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Good code is its own best documentation

In the economics study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives In the economics study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives. The term has been used frequently in the 20th and 21st centuries, but the concept has existed in the West for far longer. "Modernization", "Westernization", and especially "industrialization" are other terms often used while discussing economic development. Historically, economic development policies focused on industrialization and infrastructure; since the 1960s, it has increasingly focused on poverty reduction

In the economics study of the public sector, economic and social development is the process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives.

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Creative Commons
Global Summit 2020 Logo

The logo of CC Global Summit 2020 was decided
through logo competition form 8.june to 19.july

Whereas economic development is a policy intervention aiming to improve the well-being of people, economic growth is a
phenomenon of market productivity and increases in GDP; economist Amartya Sen describes economic growth as but "one aspect of the process of
economic development

See the past Code Cloud Sessions

Take a look at the last two Global Code Cloud programming session that hold in Korea.

2011 Event 2013 Event